Work & Works

As I am employed full time, I am not accepting any new work at this time.

Reference Works

earth TV
2013 - 2014

Planing and development work on the website. Part time project lead of the world's first fully automated television production system for 2 billion daily viewers.

IncoTecs CryptoCall

Programming of administation interface and cryptographic routines. Ghostwriter for two US patent registrations.

for Kordecki Consulting.


Development and hosting of the website for the International Freestyle Motocross Federation including content management system, presenting both events and riders using custom tailored widgets.

Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung
2008 - 2014

Development and Hosting of multiple registration services for conferences. The changing requirements included group registrations, course planning, quota for panels, statistical evaluations and billing and online payment systems.

Märkische Oderzeitung

Project lead for a content management system, unifying the newspaper’s online and print versions and interconnecting previously disjunct regional offices.

for beehive elektronsche Medien GmbH

Rabofsky Pleating Machines
2006 – 2012

Graphic design work, including corporate design, templates, preflight and print work.

for Druckerei Monath

Stadtsparkasse Köln

Co-project lead and developer of content management and delivery system, security concept, online banking and stock portfolio systems.

for beehive KG

Sony Playstation Europe

Development of a modular content management system with unique release requirements.

for beehive elektronsche Medien GmbH and MME|CC

Wekel, Strasser & Kollegen
2010 – today

Development and hosting of tailor-made web applications: a client and case management system and an email reminder service for deadlines. Both operating since 2010.

    • IT, Media & Telecommunication

    • Berlin Bear / City.Net

    • Arcor GmbH

  • Camgaroo

  • ConDat

  • DeTeLine

  • earth TV

  • enorm. media projects

  • Gesellschaft für Warenwirtschaftssysteme

  • Gewinnlink

  • Hotheaven

  • imsta(l)²

  • IncoTecs


    • Märkische Oder Zeitung

    • OpensourceExperts

    • TopNet

    • Law, Administration, Government

    • BAO-Berlin

    • Industrie und Handelskammer (IHK)

  • Bümlein Rechtsanwaltskanzlei

  • Diplomatic Community Exchange

    • Generalstaatsanwalt am Bundesverwaltungsgericht

    • Honorarkonsul von St. Kitts & Nevis

    • United States Foreign Commercial Services

    • Art, Culture, Organisations

    • ArtInterview Online Magazine

    • Artricity

    • Brian Davis, New York Opera

    • Domäne Dahlem

    • Kinderschutzengel

    • Finance

    • Landesbank Berlin

    • Stadtsparkasse Köln

    • Healthcare

    • Bertelsmann Multimedica Pharmaforum

    • ClinicalLand

    • Deutsches Gesundheitsnetz

    • Erich Saling Institut für perinatale Medizin

    • VieLife

    • Industry & Retail

    • Berndes

    • Dr. Oetker Big Americans

  • Eiscafé Europa

  • European Aeronautic Defence and Space (EADS)

  • IAV Automotive Engineering

  • LehePlan

  • Matra Nortel

  • Panasonic

  • Portable Shade

    • Ruge & Singer

    • Sony Playstation Europe

    • Teekampagne

    • Sports & Events

    • Air-Team

    • Berlympiade 2017

  • FMX India

    • International Freestyle Motocross Federation

    • Treeman Global Events & P.R. Consulting

    • WeTakeCare.Berlin


Zope Content-Management & Web-Application-Server

beehive GmbH (Publisher)
Dpunkt Verlag
hardback, 410 pages
release date: July 2001
ISBN: 3-932588-93-2

The Book of Zope

beehive GmbH (Publisher)
No Starch Press
paperback, 350 pages
release date: October, 2001
ISBN: 1-886411-57-3
ISBN: ‎4-774116-48-3

Zope Web Application Construction Kit

Martina Brockmann, Kristoph Kirchner, Sebastian Lühnsdorf, Mark Pratt
SAMS Publishing
paperback (CD-ROM edition), 576 pages
release date: October, 2001
ISBN: 0-672321-33-5
LCCN: 00111264